Cherritos Dark Roast- Premium Instant Coffee

M.R.P: 225   Price: 225
50 gm

Product Description:

Almost every coffee roaster you encounter uses superlatives to describe their coffee and to convince you it’s the best. So, how are you able to distinguish one from another if they all claim such greatness? Well, we have always said, “the proof is in the cup”. That is to say, we want you to be the judge. There are many different palettes out there, and just as many roasting and flavor profiles aimed at pleasing these differing taste buds. At the end of the day, how you like it is what matters.

The simplest answer is that it is special coffee. But special compared to what? It is special as compared to the everyday standard. For too long coffee in France has been an afterthought, something that is considered a fixed product with a fixed flavour. Something that is seen to caffeinate or give a bitter slap at the end of a meal. It is universally the same with standardised production. The problem is that it’s poorly made with very low quality coffee beans meaning that it is accepted to be bitter, insipid and it requires a dose of sugar just to make it drinkable. ​

But imagine that just like wine, the flavour of coffee is a result of terroir, varietals, harvest and production. But unlike wine, it is not a matter of just opening the bottle: you need to have a skilled barista to finish the journey and prepare your coffee. At Neighbours we create specific recipes to ensure that your coffee gives you an amazing sensory experience.

All our coffee is made with high quality specialty graded coffee beans, that are freshly roasted. Using specialty coffee, besides guaranteeing that the flavour is of a high quality, means that the coffee is sourced directly, paying the farmer a fair price that is reflective of its quality rather than a market set commodity price.

At Cherritos, roasting is part science, part art, and all heart. We hope our passion for producing awesome coffee and endeavoring to change the world with it is evident in every spoon. The coffees you enjoy every day are truly “Brewed with Heart”. Enjoy!


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