Girnar Ginger Instant Premix Chai Sachets

M.R.P: 150   Price: 138 8% off
140 gm

Product Description :
- Instant Premix Ginger Tea.
- Available in Low Sugar Version.
- 10 Single Serve Sachets.
- This Tea contains the benefits of anti-oxidants from tea with the warming effects of ginger.

Girnar brings you "Instant Tea Premix with Ginger", which is a blend of finest quality instant tea with the warming effects of ginger. It's a fabulous combination and a perfect start for a day. So add a bit of it to your daily diet and pep up your life.

Ingredients: Dairy Whitener (Partly Skimmed Milk Powder & Sugar), Sugar, Tea Extract & Ginger.
Ingredients After reconstitution : Partly Skimmed Milk, Sugar, Tea & Ginger.
Storage Instructions: -Refrigerate or store in a cool dry place.


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