Johnsons Baby Cotton Buds

M.R.P: 130   Price: 75 42% off
75 U

Product Description:

The Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds are made of 100 per cent pure and good quality cotton. The sticks of the buds are made with paper. Cotton and paper are the only main ingredients of Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds. The buds are sterilized and clinically approved before getting packed for sale.
These cotton buds are thin in texture and are mild for the delicate skin of the baby. You can use these cotton buds to apply medicine or clean sensitive parts of the baby’s body such as outer ears, nose, toes, etc.

Key Features
- Can clean ears as well as other delicate and sensitive body parts of the child.
- Mild for the delicate skin of your baby, clinically proven and approved by the specialists.
- Passed with a 5 level safety assurance procedure.
- Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds are sterilised before packaging.
- These cotton buds have a thin texture.
- Used to apply medicines in sensitive areas of the body of the child.

Use Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds for cleaning your child’s ears.
Use it to apply medicine or lotion in sensitive areas.

How to Use
Use Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds as directed by the physician or follow the instructions given on the pack.
Or, use it gently for cleaning the ears of your child.

Safety Information
Carefully read the instructions available on the packaging before use.
Keep it away from the reach of small children.
Keep it in a dry area at room temperature.
Avoid direct sunlight.
Avoid using Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds if the seal of the packaging is already open.
Don’t insert the bud into the inner part of the ear to avoid injury.

Frequently Asked Question
Q 1. What are the major uses of Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds?
Ans. You can use it to clean delicate areas of your baby’s body such as the toes, between the fingers, around the eyes, nose, outer ear, etc. Moreover, you can also use it for applying medicines or lotion in several sensitive areas in the baby’s body.

Q 2. Are Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds made of plastic sticks?
Ans. No, the sticks of this product are made with paper sticks.

Q 3. Are Johnson’s Baby Cotton Buds eco-friendly in nature?
Ans. After using it, you can easily dispose of them in the organic waste dustbin. Moreover, these cotton buds are biodegradable and totally eco-friendly.


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