Broad Beans/Green Fava Beans/Same Fali

M.R.P: 60   Price: 39 35% off

Product Description:

Vicia faba, or broad bean (culinary name), is a popular legume widely consumed in Indian households. It is also known as green fava beans or same fali, healthy addition to your diet. These beans have a tender and mildly sweet flavor and can be consumed raw or cooked.

About this Item:

- One hundred grams of broad beans contains a sufficient number of macronutrients such as manganese, iron, and folate.
- Broad bean or same fali is loaded with nutrition, including vitamins and dietary fibers, to enhance overall immunity.
- The same fali has some surprising health benefits as they prevent anemia and improve brain functioning in patients with Parkinson’s disease.

If you also want to incorporate nutrient-rich vegetables into your daily diet, you can add chawli sprouts, green string beans, gavar semi, and French beans. You can buy or directly order online from Adibuja and get everything at the best price.


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